Positive Vibes🔑

lack of motivation and life direction has had me feeling really down and miserable so i decided to set myself the goal to become a more positive and happier me and reflect that with who i’m around and what i’m doing.

I have always been my worst critic!!

as can almost everyone relate to that statement- I’m so bad at bringing myself down and focusing on whats not going right in my life, how i look or don’t look, what others think of me, scared to be laughed at for my ideas and visions and what i can be doing better rather than focusing on THE NOW my life at this present moment. Its so difficult to not plan ahead, i am 21 in just over a month and its scaring the hell out of me that i still don’t have a structure of what i see myself doing or achieving when everyone around me seems to be happy and content with good direction, visions and life goals. I know I’m young but regardless of that, feeling lost is scary especially when people around you don’t seem to be the same and getting pressure to make decisions about the future.

I recently left university as it wasn’t for me, i was unhappy, uninterested and was not willing to apply myself as i had hoped to so rather than wasting more of my time i left even though i was scared i was making a big mistake. Spending hours browsing the internet i looked for ways to help me with my stress and anxiety and for reassurance that other people feel like this too! i wanted to change the way i was thinking about things (it was making me feel ill, i argued with friends who care for me most because it was all playing on my mind, i couldnt sleep and it was breaking my skin out so bad!!!!).

I use YouTube daily anyway and have a tone of people i’m subscribed too but this one video in particular made me look at things differently which i will link here. all credit of the video go to the creator, Mika Francis it’s so amazing I love the positivity✨
After watching the video and feeling really inspired i read through the comments and everyone was so positive towards her outlook it made me stop and think why aren’t more people like that? Why cant i be like that and have that outlook on my own life? whats stopping everyone to be more positive and help and encourage each other to do what makes them happy, if you find something that works for you share it with people it might help someone else!!!

So for 2016 i don’t want to be around negativity and if i am i want to find a way to look for positives, i want to do what I WANT TO DO regardless of that fact it could get laughed or i could fail miserably or disappoint someone because i’m not doing it their way, i will learn from my own mistakes! I’m going to try my best and hopefully in return i will feel happier with myself. This is my outlook for now and this is what I want to concentrate on. I know this isn’t like one of my usual blog posts but right now this is how i feel and it might be helpful if you feel the same way to have a watch of that video or any other ones on YouTube(if you find another one link me it!😊🙌🏽), find someone that can inspire you and help try to change the way you are thinking about things and tell others get them inspired!

Thanks for reading! – please give me a like or leave me a comment or acknowledgement on any of my social media if this helped you in anyway as it really helps me out


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